For information about Aweber click here.
8220; integration8221; is offered on the Package8217;s record.
You can enable the integration by checking the box and replace the LIST_NAME with your Aweber8217;s list name.
You can also pass custom fields to Aweber. For example let8217;s say you want to pass the following details to Aweber:
- The affiliate8217;s ID so to suggest new offers to customers and make sure that the affiliate will get the sale.
- The user8217;s id so you can instruct the customer how s/he can promote your product/service by giving his/her affiliate links.
- The customer8217;s email which is used as a username with memberships.
- The customer8217;s password.
Here is how to do this:
First create the custom fields in Aweber; choose the list you want and then select 8220;My Lists/Custom fields8221; or click here:
Create the following fields:
Inside DELAVO enable the Aweber integration in the Package8217;s record, change the list8217;s name as noted and then add the following
custom affiliate=#{}
custom id=#{}
custom username=#{}
custom password=#{Customer.passwd}
inside the 8220;parameters8217; textarea right after this line
Test the feature by adding custom fiends in your follow up messages.
Your username is: {!custom username}
Your password is: {!custom password}
Your affiliate link is:{!custom id}
Aweber will parse those custom fields with the information sent by DELAVO when the user signed up via a DELAVO8217;s package which had the Aweber integration setup.
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