The first thing to do is to create a MySQL database and a user, then assign the user to the new database and save the information for using it with the installation.

Next upload the 2 files in the ROOT of your hosting account; in most of the cases it8217;d be /public_html, or /www or /htdocs, etc.

CHMOD 755 the delavo.cgi, In most of the FTP clients you can do that by right clicking on delavo.cgi, selecting 8220;Change Permissions.8221; Once done you will see a table like the one below. Type 755 in the indicated box and save the changes.

Run the delavo.cgi at http://yourserver.com/delavo.cgi where yourserver.com is your domain name, and select the new installation option.

Fill in the installation form by using the information of the MySQL setup (Step 1) and your email address. When done click on the button once.

That8217;s it. You are ready to login to your DELAVO!

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