Throughout the videos we use as a products8217; provider for the ebook package we8217;re going to use. You DON8217;T need to be a Turbo Member for applying the instructions offered throughout the videos. Again we use Turbo Membership as an example of a products8217; provider. You can apply the knowledge for setting up & start selling ANY product.
We also used DELAVO Core (Basic) version. Some screens may not be the same inside the current DELAVO8217;s version, while DELAVO Gold offers additional features and options too.
We take as granted that you have already followed the instructions on how to setup your DELAVO as rendered by our WIKI at
Enjoy the videos!
(You may click on the YouTube8217;s logo on the top right side of each video and hold CTRL so to watch the videos at
Part 3: Dealing with the javascript code needed by DELAVO for displaying LINKS inside the sales letter
Part 4: Editing the image links using DELAVO8217;s javascript code
Step 3
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: Creating a Product
Part 3: Creating a Package
Part 4: Attaching an affiliate program to a Product, hence adding customers to that affiliate program upon their purchase, and allowing affiliates of a specific affiliate program to promote a Package
Part 5: Updating the sales letter with the actual order links and testing the order links.
Step 4
Introduction to DELAVO8217;s basic Delivery Options
Part 1: Delivering a product via Instructions only
Part 2: Delivering a file located in a unprotected directory via an encrypted URL
Part 3: Delivering a file located in a protected directory via an encrypted URL