1 DELAVO Many Installation in 1 Domain name

Did you know that you can install DELAVO multiple times in the same domain name?

For example, if your domain is myaccountlogin.info, you can install DELAVO at

  • myaccountlogin.info/sales
  • myaccountlogin.info/bar (for operating a “virtual coffee” bar, where customers can tip you for your services)
  • myaccountlogin.info/clouds (for operating a review-like site by using the Plugins/Clouds’ functionality)
  • myaccountlogin.info/biolinks (for operating a site, that would allow your customers to create one-page sites with all links to their websites – something like Koji)
  • myaccountlogin.info/links (for operating a members only Links’ Directory by using Plugins/Links directories, where members can add their links,)
  • etc.

Installing DELAVO in different directories is easy. Just repeat the installation process for each instance and make sure to use a different MySQL database and user.

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