The first step is to open <span class=""><i><b>Dashboard</b></i></span>&nbsp;and click <span class=""><i><b>DELmem</b></i></span>

All the membership levels. In this example we'll create three levels: Bronze, Silver. Gold

Click&nbsp;<span class=""><i><b>Save Settings</b></i> once done.</span>

In DELAVO select/click <b><i>Store/</i></b><span class=""><i><b>Memberships</b></i></span>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Add External membership</b></i></span>

It's taken as granted that you have already created a 3rd-party script record for the WordPress you want to use. Select that record from the drop-down menu next to <b><i>*3rd-party scripts</i></b><br>

The options next to <b><i>*Membership </i></b>will be displayed automatically. Select the level of the membership.&nbsp;

Check the checkbox <b><i>"Send login and password by email (secure)"</i></b> so to send the login codes via email to members.

Click <span class=""><i><b>EDIT MESSAGE</b></i> to preview the <i><b>"E-mail sent to user upon creation of the membership". </b></i>You can edit that message or leave it as is.</span>

There are times when you want to remind a member that the membership will expire in certain days. You can send the<span>&nbsp;<i><b>"Follow up email on the Nth day before membership expire".&nbsp;</b></i></span><br>

Right now and in most of the cases, you may not need to edit or use that message at all, so you can just check the checkbox <b><i>disable this email</i></b>

Click&nbsp;<span><i><b>EDIT MESSAGE</b></i>&nbsp;to preview the&nbsp;<i><b>"E-mail sent to user upon deletion of the membership".&nbsp;</b></i>You can edit that message or leave it as is.</span><br>

Right now and in most of the cases, you may not need to edit or use that message at all, so you can just check the checkbox&nbsp;<b><i>disable this email</i></b><br>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Save</b></i></span>

Click <span class=""><i><b>Store </b></i>and select the<i><b> Products</b></i> option to create a record.</span>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Add new</b></i></span>

Give it a title<br>

You can insert the PRICE and select the Payment method, but in this example we'll use $0 so to test the functionality.

You may type a thank you message in <b><i>Instructions</i></b> - in the <b><i>Digital delivery </i></b>section

Click <span class="">the window icon next to <i><b>Memberships(s)</b></i></span>

From the pop up window click on the blog's membership record you created in the previous steps.

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Close this window</b></i></span>

Click&nbsp;<span>the window icon next to&nbsp;<i><b>Account in 3rd-party script(s)</b></i></span><br>

It's taken as granted that you have already created a 3rd-party script record for the connection with your blog, so from&nbsp;the pop up window click on the blog's record you created already.<br>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Close this window</b></i></span>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>1-Click Package</b></i></span>

Click&nbsp;<span><i><b>Use system-wide settings&nbsp;</b></i>to select any other set of templates for that Package. In this example we'll use the <b><i>Delavo Order Pages</i></b>' set</span><br>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Save</b></i></span>

Click <span class=""><i><b>go </b></i>under the<i><b> Order link </b></i>column next to the Package you created,<i><b>&nbsp;</b></i>to test an order</span>

As usual, enter an email address...

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Proceed to checkout</b></i></span>

Click <span class="component"><i><b>Get it</b></i></span>

In the thank you page you can see the instructions added in the <b><i>Instructions</i></b>' section in Digital delivery and also the membership and the account in the the WordPress delivered as attached in the Product you created.

What happens next is that the member gets an email message with the URL of the blog and his/her codes.&nbsp;

The member logs in using his/her credentials...

...and can then click to read the posts that are locked to non-members of that membership.<br><br>That's it. You're done!